Hi there…

I’m Susannah

I’m a Child Violence and Teen Catfishing Survivor, Mental Health Activist, and Digital Marketer based in Toowoomba.

I fell into a writing and marketing career because I love spreading important messages for people who aren’t quite sure how to send them out into the world.

I love people, and I love collecting interesting minds and introducing them to other people in my network. 

Where do I start?

A little about me

My life is a little complicated, but every part is something I love; whether it’s time with family, networking with new people, talking about important things in the Media, or creating content for Websites and Social Media.

My Life

I’m a survivor of childhood family violence and teen catfishing, with a book and movie currently in development. 

My Career

I’ve studied Journalism and Marketing, grown a website to 500k views p/m, and marketed across a range of industries for over a decade.

My Passions

I’m passionate about human rights, digital safety, and mental health. I also love networking, connecting, and spreading important messages.

Let’s get started

Hi, I’m Susannah

I’ve studied Journalism, qualified as a Birth Doula and recently completed a Master of Marketing. I’ve spent 10 years as a Digital Marketer, specialising in SEO and Social Media to grow multiple organic high traffic content websites.

I’m a mental health advocate, with a lived experience of child violence and teen catfishing; there’s an autobiography currently in editing which has been turned into an award winning film script.

I’m also an active local networker, speaker and involved in the community, including co-founding the local Toowoomba Wordsmiths group with Emma Mactaggart and a 40,000 strong flood response page during the Queensland Floods.

I currently work in the renewables and agricultural space, and provide federally funded digital advisory services to small businesses.

I enjoy Startup Weekends, learning new things, beta testing new platforms, and spending time with my blended family of six. 

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